EuroMold 2011

I am currently testing out a Bits From Bytes BFB 3000 3D printer at the ETH raplab and will soon post some pictures, the first tests look very promising.
BFB presents its new 3D printer, the RapMan 3.2 at EuroMold 2011 in Frankfurt, Germany. I'll be there next week to get a glimpse of state of the art 3D printing and machining for product design and form building.

MakerBot Open Source toys

MakerBot just released some nice open source toys for 3D printing enjoyment.

Pixar's Brave Trailer

Another fantastic Pixar production


Open Source 3-D Printer Design Competition

Design competition going on here

You are invited to participate in a design competition for development of sustainable technologies and their components for printing on open source 3-D printers.
The goal of the contest is to facilitate an open exchange of 3-D sustainable technology designs that can be printed to meet various needs in the context of sustainable and self directed development. 3-D printers such as RepRap and open sourced innovation hold great promise for development of appropriate technologies to help millions of world's poorest communities reach a better standard of living. Designs will be judged on the technical printing viability, feasibility and functionality of the innovation, as well as sustainability from ecological, economic and social perspectives.

Autodesk releases new free 3D Apps: 123D Make and 123D Catch

Autodesk just released two new free consumer applications under their Autodesk 123D product line. The new releases bring the number of apps in the 123D line to four, following the release of CAD package Autodesk 123D and iPad sculpting app 123D Sculpt earlier this year.

123D Catch

Autodesk 123D Catch: Take photos of your favorite people, places and things and let the power of the cloud magically transform them into detailed 3D models. 123D Catch is free beta software.

123D Catch will be immediately familiar to anyone who has used Project Photofly, the developer’s cloud-based photogrammetry system, released as a technology preview via Autodesk Labs earlier this year – simply because 123 Catch is Photofly, given a new name and wider release.

123D Make

Autodesk 123D Make: Take your 3D model and make it real in a new and amazing way. The Autodesk® 123D™ Make Technology Preview turns any 3D model into a pattern of flat parts that can be cut and assembled into an artful creation. The Autodesk® 123D™ Make Technology Preview is currently available only for Mac OS X. The preview software will expire on 2/28/12.

Nearly every few months new 123D apps are being pushed out for Windows, OSX and iOS devices.
The newest additions are interesting because of the wide distibution they will make, now after the first 123D products have been launched, a bigger userbase will get attention to the new products.

20min Epic Burning Man 2011 motion controlled tilt shifted time-lapse

The title says it all.  WOW!!!!

Burning Man 2011 Tilt Shift Time-lapse by James Cole with additional motion controlled time-lapse by Jason Phipps and Byron Mason. Much thanks to Elite Force and the DISTRIKT for the music.

What is this? A Burning Man for ants?

Camera Data: Canon 60d, Canon digital rebel, Canon 5dII, shot as slow as 1 shot every 15 seconds and as fast as 6.5fps frames per second. Canon 90mm Tilt shift lens and a 17-35mm lens. Mumford Stepper Table and Time-machine for motion control.
One day I'll be there....

3D Printed Giant Robotic Jumping Spider

A Team at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation in Germany 3D printed a really big robotic spider, the legs are 20 centimeters long each and the body adds another 20 cm, together it is about 0.6 meters...

It can jump and crawl with sophiosticated hydraulics like a real spider. The Body contains a control unit and multiple sensors. Its purpose is "an exploratory tool in environments that are too hazardous for humans."